The XXL Workshop is an elective course held at the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology. It is concerned with the design, computation, engineering, and production of a horizontal large span building structure. This design process is done as a collaborative digital design in a multidisciplinary group of students in which each student has his/her own different responsibility. The collaborative digital design requires an integrated 3D approach based on BIM (Building Information Modeling) principles, performance analysis, and file to factory processes. 

Coordination: Michela Turrin. Instructors: Architectural Design: Prof.dr.ir.S.Sariyildiz, ir.P. de Ruiter; Structural Design: Prof.Dr.ir. J. Paul; ir. A. Borgart. Envelope Design: ir. T. Klein. Climate Design: Dr.ir. A. van Timmeren; Dr.ir. M. Tenpierik. Design Informatics: Arch. M. Turrin; ir. P. Nourian; Arch.ir. Y.Chatzikonstantinou. Invited Reviewers: B. Burgers (De Kuip), F. Werner (KCAP), S. Wilbrenninck (BAM), M. de Boer (Arup), B.Wubben and B. van den Broek (dS+V, Rotterdam). Contact: M.Turrin@tudelft.nl